How to Desolder and Solder Keyboard Switches Like a Pro?

How to Desolder and Solder Keyboard Switches

Desoldering and soldering keyboard switches is a common task for many computer enthusiasts and DIYers. Whether you’re replacing a broken switch, customizing your keyboard layout, or building a custom keyboard from scratch, this process is a fundamental skill to have. In this guide, we will learn how to desolder and solder keyboard switches like a pro with our step-by-step guide.

Desoldering involves removing the existing switch from the PCB (printed circuit board), while soldering involves installing a new switch in its place. Although it may seem intimidating at first, with the right tools and some practice, anyone can learn how to desolder and solder keyboard switches. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through each step of the process, covering everything you need to know to get started, including the tools required, safety precautions, and techniques for successful desoldering and soldering. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to desolder and solder keyboard switches like a pro.

Tools Required to Desolder and Solder Keyboard Switches

Here is a list of tools that may be required to desolder and solder keyboard switches:

Soldering Iron:

The soldering iron is used to heat up the solder on the switch connections and PCB, allowing you to remove the old switch and install a new one.

It’s important to use a soldering iron with a small tip for this task, as the connections on keyboard switches are small and require precision. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that the soldering iron is temperature-controlled, as overheating the connections can cause damage to the switch or PCB.

When using a soldering iron, it’s important to follow proper safety precautions, such as wearing heat-resistant gloves and using a heat-resistant surface to work on. Additionally, it’s important to allow the soldering iron to cool down completely before storing it, as this will extend its lifespan.

Desoldering pump or vacuum desoldering tool:

A desoldering pump or vacuum desoldering tool is a tool used to remove melted solder from a circuit board. This tool is used when replacing or removing a keyboard switch from the circuit board. The tool works by either sucking up the melted solder or creating suction to remove it. It’s important to be careful when using this tool to avoid damaging the circuit board or the switch connections. Overall, the desoldering pump or vacuum desoldering tool is an essential tool for removing old switches from a PCB and preparing the connections for a new switch.

Solder Wire:

Solder wire is used to connect the switch to the PCB. The melted solder creates a strong and permanent bond between the switch and the circuit board, allowing the switch to work properly.

When choosing a solder wire, it’s important to consider the type of metal alloy used and the diameter of the wire. For most electronics projects, rosin-core solder is a good choice, as it contains a flux core that helps to dissolve the metal and make it easier to join.

It’s important to use the right amount of solder when making connections, as too much solder can cause a short circuit, while too little solder can cause a weak connection.

Additionally, it’s important to use the right soldering technique, heating the components and adding the solder as needed.


Flux is used to help dissolve the metal and make it easier to join the switch to the circuit board.

When the flux is heated by the soldering iron, it reacts with the metal to create a clean and strong connection. The flux also helps to remove any oxidation or impurities on the metal surface, which can prevent the solder from bonding properly.

It’s important to choose the right type of flux for your project, as different types of flux have different properties and react differently with different metals. Additionally, it’s important to use the right amount of flux, as too much flux can cause unwanted reactions or residue.


Tweezers can be used as a tool to help desolder and solder keyboard switches. When desoldering, tweezers can be used to grasp the switch legs and gently pull them out of the PCB (printed circuit board). When soldering, tweezers can be used to position the switch legs in place on the PCB and hold them in place while the solder is melted and flows around the legs to create a secure connection.

A Screwdriver:

A screwdriver may be used to remove the switch from the keyboard case or to adjust the position of the switch on the circuit board.

When selecting a screwdriver, it’s important to choose one with the correct size and tip shape to match the screws you will be working with. For most keyboards, a small Phillips or flat-head screwdriver will be suitable.

It’s important to be gentle when using a screwdriver to avoid damaging the screws or the surrounding materials. Additionally, it’s important to keep track of any screws or parts you remove, as they may need to be reassembled in a specific order

Switch Puller:

When working with mechanical keyboard switches, it’s often necessary to remove switches from the circuit board for repair or replacement. A switch puller is a tool that makes this process easier and less damaging to the switches and the circuit board.

Using a switch puller to remove switches is a convenient and effective alternative to using a screwdriver or other tools that may cause damage. The switch puller consists of two plastic arms that fit into the holes on either side of the switch, allowing you to gently pull the switch away from the circuit board.

If you plan to desolder the switches, it’s important to use a switch puller before starting the desoldering process. This will help to minimize the risk of damage to the circuit board and the switch connections, and it will make it easier to access the solder points for desoldering.

How to Desolder and Solder Keyboard Switch: The Steps

Step 1: Remove the Switch from the Keyboard

The first step in the process of desoldering and soldering keyboard switches is to remove the switch from the keyboard. There are two main methods for doing this, depending on the type of keyboard you have: screws or clips.

If your keyboard uses screws to hold the switches in place, you’ll need to use a small Phillips screwdriver to unscrew them. Simply locate the screws on the back of the keyboard and gently unscrew them until they are free. Then, gently lift the switch away from the circuit board.

If your keyboard uses clips to hold the switches in place, you’ll need to use a switch puller to gently pry the switch away from the circuit board. A switch puller is a tool specifically designed for removing keyboard switches, and it has two prongs that you insert into the slots on either side of the switch. Then, gently squeeze the switch puller to release the clips and remove the switch from the circuit board.

Regardless of the method you use, be careful not to damage the circuit board or any other components as you remove the switch. If you’re not confident in your ability to remove the switch without damaging it, consider seeking help from an experienced technician.

Step 2: Desolder the Switch

Now that the switch is removed from the circuit board, you’ll need to desolder the pins on the switch to prepare for soldering on a new switch. There are two main tools for desoldering: a desoldering pump and a vacuum desoldering tool.

A desoldering pump is a manual tool that looks like a syringe with a metal tip. To use it, you simply apply heat to the pins on the switch with your soldering iron, then press the trigger on the desoldering pump to suck the melted solder away from the pins.

A vacuum desoldering tool works similarly to a desoldering pump, but it uses suction to remove the melted solder. To use it, you heat the pins on the switch with your soldering iron, then place the vacuum tip over the melted solder to suck it away.

Regardless of the tool you use, be sure to apply enough heat to the pins to melt the solder, but not so much that you damage the circuit board or any other components. You may need to repeat the process a few times to fully remove the solder from each pin. Once the pins are free of solder, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Clean the Circuit Board and Switch

Before you begin soldering the new switch in place, it’s important to clean the circuit board and switch to ensure a strong and reliable connection. Use a clean, lint-free cloth or sponge to remove any remaining residue from the desoldering process and any other dirt or debris that may have accumulated on the circuit board or switch.

You may also want to use isopropyl alcohol or another cleaning agent to clean the surface of the circuit board and switch. This will help to remove any remaining residue and ensure a clean, smooth surface for soldering. Be sure to allow the surface to fully dry before moving on to the next step.

Once you’ve finished cleaning, inspect the circuit board and switch for any damage or signs of wear, and make sure they’re in good condition before proceeding to the next step.

Step 4: Solder the Switch

Now that the circuit board and switch are clean and ready, it’s time to solder the switch in place. This process requires a soldering iron and solder wire, along with a small amount of flux, which will help the solder to adhere to the circuit board and switch.

Begin by applying a small amount of flux to the pads on the circuit board where the switch will be soldered. This will help the solder to flow and adhere more easily. Then, place the switch onto the circuit board, making sure the pins are aligned with the pads.

Next, heat the pads on the circuit board with the soldering iron, and apply the solder wire to the pads. The heat from the soldering iron will melt the solder, which will then flow and adhere to the pads and the pins on the switch. Be sure to apply enough heat and solder to create a strong, secure connection, but not so much that you create a short circuit or damage any other components.

Once you’ve finished soldering the switch in place, allow the connection to cool and solidify. Then, inspect the connection to make sure it’s strong and secure. If necessary, you can repeat the process or add more solder to strengthen the connection.

Finally, test the switch to make sure it’s working properly. If everything looks good, you can reattach the keycap and move on to the next switch, repeating the process until all the switches are soldered and working properly.

Step 5: Test the Switch

After soldering the switch in place, it’s important to test it to make sure it’s working properly. There are several ways to do this, depending on the type of switch and the keyboard you’re working with.

One simple way to test the switch is to use a multimeter to check the continuity between the switch pins and the circuit board pads. Simply place the multimeter leads on the switch pins and the circuit board pads, and check the reading. If the multimeter indicates continuity, the switch is working properly.

It’s also a good idea to test the switch by pressing the keycap and observing the response on the screen. If the switch is working properly, the keypress should register and you should see the corresponding character appear on the screen.

Finally, after testing all the switches, be sure to reassemble the keyboard, tighten any screws or fasteners, and test the keyboard as a whole to make sure everything is working properly. If you encounter any problems or issues, don’t hesitate to double-check your work or seek additional help.


In conclusion, desolder and solder keyboard switches may seem like a daunting task for beginners, but with the right tools, techniques, and patience, anyone can master it. Remember to always work in a well-ventilated area, practice safety precautions, and take your time to ensure a clean and successful result. Whether you are fixing a broken switch or customizing your keyboard, being able to desolder and solder keyboard switches open up a whole new world of possibilities for your keyboard setup. Give it a try and discover the satisfaction of a job well done.

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